It's been quite a few months at - our power generators have never been in so much demand!
We've had a great deal of success in selling our stock of used diesel generators to parts of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In December, we began to stock and sell new diesel generators, and now, in January, we're pleased to announce that we're on the look to bolster our stock levels of diesel generators even further by inviting approaches from people wishing to sell their old power generators. This move, we hope, will offer our customers an even greater choice of manufacturer and price.
However this doesn't mean we're about to buy any old generator. Quality has always been our biggest driver when selecting the best diesel generators to procure for re-sale to our customers. The power generators we're interested in must have low working hours, be a working machine and range between 5 and 3250 kVA plus it will need to be OK'd our engineer.
If you have diesel generators you'd like to sell please contact at
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